In an effort to promote regular attendance and use of the Sign up sheet, We will be putting in a reward system. This will take effect for the 9/18 week of raiding. The points will be added to the points accrued during the raid you signed up for.
MC, Onyxia, and BWL:
You will recieve 5 points for signing up to a raid using the sign up sheet. This will apply even if you are set to the queue. You will need to sign up a min of 24 hours before raid day. If you have any problems with the sign up site, let Bradferd or Bhah know.
You will recieve 5 points for being in the instance at or before posted start time. You need to be ready, which means repaired, stocked, and responding. If you are going to be cutting it close, or running a little late due to RL issues. Park yourself outside the instance, ready to go.
If you sign up for a raid, and do not show up nor cancel within 2 hours of the raid. You will be docked 10 points. (I am willing to discuss emergency situations, but just not showing up is not acceptable.)
If there is nothing worth Dying for, what is there to live for?